Reps Move to Address Economic Hardship as Stakeholders Emphasize Important of Diversification of Economy.

Critical stakeholders have emphasized the important of diversification of economy for more food production.

They stated this during a roundtable meeting held at National Assembly yesterday on the need for the federal, state and local government councils as well as the organized private sector to come together and find solutions to the challenge of hunger occasioned by inconsistent government policies, climate change and other environmental issues

The forum was organized by the House of Representatives Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation on the Implementation of the 10th House Legislative Agenda.

Some topics discussed during the even included: Nigeria Beyond Oil: Exploring the Stable Alternatives for A Stable and Sustainable Economy in an Emergent Green World, Enacting Nigeria’s Digital Economic Revolution Through Effective Mushrooming and Management of Start-up Ecosystem and Agropreneurship: Smart and Sustainable Agriculture for National Food and Socio-economic Security among others

Critical stakeholders in the various sectors who spoke during the occasion empahsized the need for the federal states and local governments and the private sector to work closely with the other key players in the sub-sectors of the nations economy with a view to diversifying the economy.

In his presentation Dr.Emeka Okengwu Managing Director of the Anthil Concepts Limited said that first role for everyone in the country in the match towards a green economy is to begin to plant economic trees and high yielding crops in the homes and arable farms

He, however said that citizens and everyone in Nigeria must have the capacity to be bold to engage in agriculture even at the subsistent level for the nation to be able to feed its huge and continuously growing population.

In his address, the Chairman, Energy Commission of Nigeria represented by a Director Dr.Jessy Asogwa said that data is critical to the transformation of the energy sector of the nation’s economy.

He further stated that for the nation’s economy to be diversified, we must look inwards to see how we can build our own capacity adding that we also need the requisite infrastructure to drive the process of change

Other speakers and faciltators including university professors and heads of ministries, departments and agencies of the federal government also called for a proper scrutiny of the recruitment process of the leadership of the nation’s political system across all levels.

Those who spoke used the opportunity to stress the need for the nation’s urgent transition to to a blue, green and digital economy for a sustainable future for the present and future generation of Nigerian citizens.

In his address, the Chairman House Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation Hon.Patrick Umoh along with other committee members urged for a joint action to ensure diversification of economy toward massive green production.


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