*** As Party Moves To Resolve Crisis
By: Maryam Musa Seng

The Board of Trustees of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, may have finally found an antidote to the lingering crisis in the party, with a charge for restraint amongst party leaders and for the National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayu to resign his position after the general elections next year.
A statement by the chairman of the Board of Trustees, and former Senate President, Adolphus Wabara explained the moves to resolve the lingering crisis in the main opposition party, to include a directive that,
all Party Leaders and persons close to them to desist forthwith from making further inflammatory remarks or press interviews on very sensitive matters.
According to the statement, the BoT of the party has also Called on the Chairman of the PDP Governors’ Forum to convene a meeting of the forum without further delay, so as to forge for a unity of purpose.
According to Wabara, the board Called on all leaders of the Party to match words with action and where commitments are made to unconditionally fulfill such promises.
Accordingly, it urged the National Chairman, Iyorchia Ayi, as an eminent leader, to give a firm assurance that he will resign his position after the 2023 election.
The statement further said, that “the BoT Chairman has been authorized to offer apologies on behalf of all members who feel maligned or aggrieved by the public statements made by its members nationwide that has sharpened the current division in the Party”.
The BoT also called on the Presidential Candidate to review the membership of the Presidential Campaign Council, and other advisory appointments to make it all inclusive.
The BoT recommendations are however subject to further necessary actions by the National Executive Council, NEC of the Party in due course, the statement concluded.


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