“CSO Calls for Investigation and Removal of National Population Commission Chairman Amid Allegations of Financial Impropriety”

By  Milcah  Tanimu

The African Leadership Strategy and Transparency Development Initiative (ALSTDI) has submitted a petition to President Bola Tinubu, urging the removal and prosecution of Nasir Isa Kwarra, the Chairman of the National Population Commission. The petition, signed by Kings Abel Adams, accuses Kwarra of abuse of office, financial mismanagement, and gross misconduct. ALSTDI questions the chairman’s involvement in official transactions with 17 private bank accounts, seeking clarity on the nature of these transactions and approvals received. The group also demands information on budget allocations for 2021 and specific details about payments for intercensal population activities. ALSTDI recommends Kwarra’s suspension pending an independent investigation into the allegations.


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