Guinness World Records attributes website crash to Hilda Baci’s fans during her crowning, highlighting three key points.

On Tuesday, June 13, Hilda Baci secured the Guinness World Records title for the longest hour of continuous cooking.

Indian chef Lata Tondon was also acknowledged as a predecessor in the field alongside Hilda Baci following the announcement. Guinness World Records mentioned a few significant points during the announcement.

It is worth mentioning that on the same day Hilda’s record was officially recognized by Guinness World Records, an Ekiti chef named Dammy broke the renowned chef’s record by cooking for over 100 hours.

Three things the organisation mentioned about Hilda’s cook-a-thon.
1. Our website crashed for 2 days

Guinness World Records affirmed that Hilda’s cookathon was so popular that their website had a lot of traffic. They said it crashed as a result. The organisation also said that Hilda’s fans were many.

In their words: “Hilda’s cook-a-thon was in fact so popular that our website crashed for two days due to the immense volume of traffic we received from her legion of loyal fans.”

2. Hilda prepared for the event

The Nigerian chef was said to have prepared a 35-menu guide to show her preparation for the cookathon.

As Hilda cooked, her team was on their feet as they ensured that she never ran out of ingredients. They said:

“She ensured that she had the necessary ingredients to make each recipe, with her team procuring further food items while the cook-a-thon was underway…”

3. Why Hilda didn’t get 100 hours

According to Guinness World Records, a challenge participant is expected to take a five-minute break after every hour.

However, Hilda took elongated hours at some point. In that light, some hours were deducted from her challenge, and she was given 93 hours and 11 minutes.



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