Professor Ishaq. Akintola’s Muric Diatribe

By: Bala Dan Abu

There is no doubt that some selfish politicians desperate to gain political power in 2023 have found a willing tool in Professor Ishaq Akintola and his Muslims Rights Concern, MURIC over which he presides as director. The game plan is to use the pedestal which MURIC offers to cause religious disharmony in Taraba State for the politicians to gain political advantage.

Akintola was out again on Monday, as he had done several times recently, on his usual mission of inciting Muslims in Taraba against their Christian brothers and sisters, using appointments made by agencies of government as excuse. He has proved to be an expert in the deployment of lies as weapon of blackmail.
Recently, he has sought to exploit the appointment of permanent secretaries by the Taraba State Government and also those of some officers of the Taraba State University, Jalingo, to portray His Excellency, Governor Darius Dickson Ishaku as promoting the interests of Christians over and above that of Muslims. This is both ridiculous and mischievous, unexpected of a person who claims to be a follower of Allah. Prof Akintola’s diatribe has, expectedly, generated intense distaste among the people of the state because it is obvious that he is fronting for selfish politicians who are bent on taking over power at all costs in 2023 riding on the wings unhealthy religious sentiments.
The Taraba State government under the watch of His Excellency, Arc Darius Dickson Ishaku has since its inception been, and remainsed, the best friend of Muslims. It has always ensured that favours done to any religious group is replicated in the same quantum to the other. This very fair disposition of the administration has often earned Gov Ishaku commendation from the various Christian and Islamic groups in Taraba State. This is why Prof Akintola and his MURIC are largely ignored in Taraba State even with all the noise they are making over appointments.
Gov Ishaku has never directly or indirectly been involved in any employment and promotion exercises apart from insisting and ensuring that there is a level playing field to produce the best results.
Gov Ishaku’s number one priority as chief executive of the state is peace among all ethnic and religious groups. He has never and will never do anything that will undermine his legacy of peace that has won global acclaim.
The government wishes to advise the good people of Taraba State to ignore those seeking to promote religious conflict in order to gain political power.
The timing of Prof Akintola’s wicked campaign shows that he is working for selfish and unpatriotic politicians who would rather wish the state is set ablaze rather than for them to fail to win political power come 2023.
The Government wishes to advise Tarabans to reject such politicians using religion to cause tension and conflict in the state.


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