Surrender to State Authority Now, CSOs Tell Rebels, Criminals

Following the arrest of the founder of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mr Nnamdi Kanu, a civil society organisation, Save Nigeria Movement has urged all those rebelling against the Nigerian state to surrender before the forces of the country gets hold of them.

The Save Nigeria Movement in a statement signed by its convener, Solomon Semaka also commended President Muhammadu Buhari for his resolve to protect the unity and territorial integrity of Nigeria.

It would be recalled that the leader of the proscribed leader of IPOB, Mr Nnamdi KANU who jumped bail was rearrested and kept in custody.

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We at Save Nigeria Movement received with great and unquantifiable joy the cheering news of the strategic rearrest of the Founder of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra, Mr Nnamdi Kanu. This development is not just timely but very explanatory in according meaning to the “language” characters like Nnamdi and his cohorts will definitely understand as promised by Mr. President recently. We therefore, join the vast array of patriotic and well-meaning Nigerians to register our deepest appreciation to Mr. President for strategic move to give meaning to the presidential language which many were struggling to understand. This has equally sent out very strong signals to all criminals and enemies of Nigeria both within and outside the country that there is no longer a hiding place or safe Haven for them.

In the same vein, we wish to thank profusely the Department of State Services under the able leadership of a distinguished Nigerian, Mr. Bichi and all security agencies in Nigeria for the synergy and patriotic commitment to quell all forms of insurrections, rebellion and insurgencies so as to restore peace and order for responsible Nigerians to go about their normal and legitimate businesses without fear in the atmosphere of tranquility in pursuit of wealth creation and prosperity of our great Nation.

We want to specially commend leaders of conscience from the South Eastern Nigeria particularly and across the Nigeria generally who disassociated themselves from Nnamdi Kanu and all that he represents and seeks to pursue in his desperation to undermine the sovereignty of Nigeria. We call on all Nigerians particularly those still standing on the fence in the face of this brutal assault by the enemies of our nation to our unity and peaceful coexistence to take a firm stand on the side of truth by supporting our President and all our security agencies in their daily fight to get rid of our enemies so that law and order will reign supreme in our land.

This is also the widow of opportunity for those who have taken arms against our federation to surrender willingly and to embrace peace because there is no longer any room to tolerate any form of criminality no matter who is involved and where you are on the surface of this earth. Our security agencies in partnership with our international friends will smoke you out and speak to you in the “language” you will understand.

Once again, we are very pleased with Mr. President, DSS and all our security agencies for the renewed commitment, synergy, collaborations and mobilization of actionable intelligence and we wish to encourage them to sustain the tempo and finish the fight clinically to the glory of God (Allah) and the collective prosperity, oneness and greatness of our dear country, Nigeria.

Solomon Semaka
Convener, Save Nigeria Movement


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