Taraba: Council boss Innaugurates committee to recruite health workers 

Uhuru Samuel Adaji Jalingo 

The Chairman of Jalingo Local Government Council in Taraba Dr Aminu Jauro Hassan has constituted a committee to recruit health workers to address the acute shortage of manpower in the council ‘s health sector.

Speaking during the inauguration of the Eight man committee in Jalingo on Monday, Council boss who doubles as the ALGON Chairman in the  state said that the decision was in line with the State government’s vision to upgrade the sector and make the delivery of quality health care accessible at the grassroots. 

According to Dr Hassan, “the State Governor is passionate about transforming the state. It beholds on us as local government leaders to key into his Five Finger agenda and contribute our quota. Haven taken a look at the health care sector in the local government, we realised that the local government has acute shortage of manpower.

“Consequently, we decided to embark on this journey to temporarily engage a lot of health workers to make up for the shortage in the hope that soon, we would be able to fully co-opt them for full employment. 

“Let me charge the committee that I don’t have a candidate. The opportunity is open to all. People outside the local government can also apply but we will give priority attention to qualified applicants from Jalingo local government area because we want a situation where people are posted to their wards so that they don’t have any reason to be lazy about their work.

He warned the committee to shun favouritism or discrimination in the discharge of their duties and advised them to consider only persons that are licenced to practiced. 

In his remarks, the Chairman of the committee who is alo the Vice Chairman of the council Hon. Nathaniel Ntani lauded the chairman for the opportunity and promised to ensure that the aim is achieved.

“This is a great initiative and we feel privileged that we are chosen to serve on this committee. I want to assure our Chairman and the good people of Jalingo Local government area that we would not disappoint the trust bestowed on us as members of this committee. 

The Chairman has given us a leadership model that we all aspire to key in and serve our people better. May God help us to deliver, he said.”

Our Correspondent reports that the committee has Hon. Nathaniel Ntani as Chairman, Hon. Murtala Mairiga (Rikiriki) as  Vice Chairman, Mal. Shuaibu Adamu,  Samira Bala, Hon. John Philip Kona, representative NCHPAN Jalingo, and representative of MNHWU Jalingo as Members, while Mr. Henry Milmi is to serve as the secretary of the committee .


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