We would have loved to meet all of you to deliver this message, but, as you perhaps know, I am particularly a highly emotional person and can not face all of you to deliver this message on our behalf.
I have therefore decided to write it down.
To every beginning, there is an end, and today, we say goodbye to you, very awesome people of Hawul Local Government.
Though we say goodbye, it is not the final bye-bye, as we hope to meet some of you somewhere, someday.
Having been around with you in the last one year, we have learnt a lot from you, and I must confess to you, that, wherever we may find ourselves tomorrow, we will always cherish the moments we shared with you.
We would have loved to stay longer by contesting, but God has his own designs, and I believe this is the best time for us to quit.
We will, however, go with all of you on our minds as a set of very wonderful compatriots every leader would love to have.
Of course, there were moments of friction, leading to sharp departures of position with some of you. If there is any one of you we have wronged for personal reasons, we beg for your forgiveness and if there are those we wronged in the course of trying to do the right things, we have no apologies and we have no regrets either.
We have done our modest best, with your support and prayers, and we dedicate all that we have achieved to you and to all the people of Hawul.
As we take our bows, we sincerely hope, that, thesame support and goodwill we enjoyed shall be extended to those who will be succeeding us in office.
With smiles on our faces for the modest achievements, we take our bows with tearfilled eyes, knowing that you love us, just as we love you.
Let that mutual and brotherly love define our future relationships and let us put behind us those things that tear us apart in the past.
We firmly believe, that, our togetherness offers greater opportunities for greater socioeconomic progress.
Thank you all, and God bless.
Inuwa Bwala
For and on behalf of the Council.


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