NBS reports a 98% rise in transportation costs in just one month.

Bus transportation costs within Nigerian cities have surged. According to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the average fare for intra-city bus rides increased by 98% from N649.59 in May 2023 to N1,285.41 in June 2023, paralleling the spike in Premium Motor Spirit prices. This significant rise amounted to an added N636 within a mere month. Data from the NBS’s Transport Fare Watch report for June 2023 further divulged this trend.

The report detailed fare structures, including intra-city routes per drop and intercity routes per person. Looking at a year-over-year comparison, bus fares have escalated by 120.63%, with commuters having paid N582.61 in June 2022.

Moreover, the average fare for intercity bus rides showed a jump to N5,686.49 in June 2023, marking a 42.09% increment from May 2023’s N4,002.16. Annually, this fare saw a rise of 55.25% from the N3,662.87 recorded in June 2022.


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