Okuama-Ewu Identifies Victims and Damages from Military Operation

Okuama-Ewu, a community in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State, has disclosed the names of 11 individuals allegedly killed by Nigerian Army troops during a conflict following the deaths of 17 military personnel on March 14.

In addition to the casualties, the community has reported the destruction of 413 houses, seven churches, shrines, and various properties during the military operation.

Mr. Bernard Esegba, a community leader and one of the applicants in a new N151 billion lawsuit against the Federal Government and other authorities, revealed the names of the deceased individuals, including Wilson Eshebi Okorume, Joseph Ikpitere Ejomafuvwe, Teddy Ufuoma, and others.

According to Esegba, the troops destroyed buildings across nine quarters of the community, leaving no structures standing, in what appears to be a retaliatory action for the deaths of the military personnel.

The damaged or destroyed properties, including houses, churches, and personal belongings, have been extensively listed, with Archbishop Cyril Odutemu, UgrLowo family compound, and others among the affected.

Additionally, the destruction extended to essential amenities like the solar electricity power system and various personal belongings, including clothing, electronics, and household items.

In response to these events, Okuama-Ewu community has filed a lawsuit seeking N151 billion in damages against several government entities, alleging rights violations and demanding restitution for the destruction caused by the military operation. The lawsuit targets the Federal Government, Attorney General of the Federation, Nigerian Army, Chief of Defence Staff, Nigerian Police, and Commissioner of Police, Delta State.

Led by Chief Albert Akpomudje, SAN, a team of 14 lawyers is representing the community in court, seeking various reliefs, including the immediate cessation of military occupation, compensation for damages, and an investigation into the events leading to the conflict.


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