Primate Ayodele Predicts Political Shifts in South-South, Emergence of Third Force

Primate Elijah Ayodele, the leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has foreseen significant political changes in the South-South region of Nigeria, particularly within the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

In a statement released through his spokesman, Oluwatosin Osho, Primate Ayodele revealed that a sitting governor from the PDP in the South-South will defect to the Labour Party (LP). He attributed this move to the ongoing leadership crisis within the PDP, which he believes will continue to escalate, leading to more defections.

According to the prophet, the current management of the PDP will exacerbate the party’s internal challenges, potentially causing it to lose relevance in the country. However, he also predicted that amidst the crisis, a powerful figure will emerge to take control of the party.

Furthermore, Primate Ayodele foresaw the emergence of a third political force, which will consist of disenchanted members from both the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and the PDP. This coalition, he warned, would pose a significant challenge to the established political order, signaling a shift in Nigeria’s political landscape.

The prophet’s predictions underscore the turbulent times ahead for Nigeria’s political parties, with potential realignments and power shifts on the horizon. As the country navigates through these changes, political stakeholders are advised to brace themselves for a dynamic and evolving political environment.


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