Scarcity of E-Passport will affect 2020 – Hajj-IHR

The Independent Hajj Reporters, a civil society organisation that reports Hajj and Umrah activities, has observed that a shortage of e-passport was capable of affecting the smooth conduct of Hajj in 2020.
The group, therefore, called on the Nigerian Immigration Services (NIS) to ensure availability of E-passport especially the 32-page 5-year validity (Adults and Minors) for Nigerian Hajj 2020 intending pilgrims. IHR in a statement signed by its national coordinator, Ibrahim Mohammed on Monday, said that the scarcity of e-passport was slowing down the registration of intending pilgrims in Nigeria.
 “Reports emanating from our members especially in Kaduna, Yobe and Kebbi states show that virtually all intending pilgrims who applied to obtain the e-passport were informed that the e-passport booklet was not available and instead have their data capture and asks to go and wait.”
“Most intending pilgrims whose data has been captured are yet to receive the e-passport booklets,” they said. The Group also said the importance of timely issuance of E-passport to intending pilgrims was vital to the success of Hajj 2020 and should be a top priority to all Hajj stakeholders in the country. “Registration of pilgrims, documentation of pilgrim’s bio-data, processing of visa and issuance of relevant financial and other important Hajj travelling documents are based on the e-passport data page.”
“For example, the guideline for Hajj 2020 pilgrim’s registration issued by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), makes e-passport a prerequisite identity document before any intending pilgrim could be registered. ”
“Item 3.2 (iii) Under registration of intending pilgrims states that intending pilgrims “must be known with valid Nigeria travels documents’ and item (ix) categorically stated that intending pilgrims “must have an e-passport with a validity period of at least 6 months from the date of departure to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”
“Therefore, we urge the Nigerian Immigration Service and other related government agencies to do all it can to ensure the availability of this important travel document for Hajj 2020 intending pilgrims.” Reports reaching IHR indicated that the shortage of e-passport booklets was discouraging some intending pilgrims, especially those from rural areas who were finding it difficult to be transporting to and from NIS offices in search of e-passport. IHR said that “Hajj operations were about early planning and timely implementation of pre hajj activities especially the off-shore documentations of pilgrims to enable proper data compilation for airlifts and other services.





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