Yobe To Collaborate With NAPRI, Other FG Agencies, Says Yobe Governor.

From Lateef Taiwo

Yobe state Governor Hon Mai Mala Buni, has assured that the relevant organizations in the state would collaborate with National Animal production research institute, Ahmadu Bello Zaria and other federal government agencies towards achieving the common developmental goals.

The Governor gave the assurance when he received the executive Director of National Animal production research institute Ahmadu Bello Zaria, on a courtesy call at the government house Damaturu.

The Governor was represented by his Deputy Hon Idi Barde Gubana, explained that to achieve the desired goals, government need new ideas and this is the reason for the consideration of the organization as an effective partner for agricultural revitalization programme in Yobe state.

According to the governor, the proposal for the the establishment of pasture seeds multiplication center when implemented will complement the various achievements in general agricultural production.

In his response, the leader of the delegation who is also the Executive Director NAPRI Prof. Muhammad Rabiu Hassan represented by the Deputy Director, Dr Mohammad Said Tanko, explained that, they were at the government house Damaturu to congratulate the Governor over his victory in the last years general elections and brief him on the ongoing project at the NAPRI office Damaturu.

He described that, the programme would extends the innovations made by the institute and adopt them to the condition in which the livestock farmers operates with a view to improving the productivity of the livestock and livelihood of the owners of the Animals.

In his contribution, the liaison officer NAPRI of Damaturu, Dr Haruna Ibrahim, said, the office has proposed materials and labour schedule for the establishment of a 25- HECTARE pasture seeds multiplication center in the state.


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