Cleric to Christians: Use Lenten Period To Renew Faith In God

Stephen Olufemi Oni, Ilorin

The Acting Spiritual Father and Chairman Cherubim and Seraphim Movement Church Worldwide, Prophet Emmanuel Abiodun Alogbo has called on Christians to use the Lenten period to renew their faith and commitment to God.

Prophet Alogbo in his message delivered at the Church Headquarters, Galilee Land, Orile-Igbon Oyo State also called on Christians and Nigerians to use the period to seek God’s face for the Church and the Nation at this difficult time.

The Spiritual Father, in his message themed “time of acceptance”, noted that “Lenten season is the time for repentance and forsaking of all works of flesh”.

He admonished Christians to humble themselves, pray and seek the face of God to turn things around for better in the Nation.

Prophet Alogbo, who took his message from the book of second Chronicles chapter seven verse fourteen, urged Nigerians to turn from their wicked ways for God to heal the Nation.

“Brethren, let us use this opportunity to pray to God to heal our land, to uphold His Church, for this period is an acceptable time. Second Corinthians chapter six verse two says that ‘Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation’, the Spiritual Father added.

He advised Christians to “go about the fasting in a way that will please God, fast in a way that God desires as seen in the book of Isaiah 58:3-7.”

Prophet Alogbo prayed that God will accept “our works of faith, help the Church and heal our land”.


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