Online job placement company headhunts women

Jobberman, one of Nigeria’s foremost job placement websites, has announced the launch of its “Alliance for Better Work’’ initiative’ to drive employment.

Jobberman said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the initiative was part of its longstanding partnership with MasterCard Foundation.

It said that the employer-centred initiative was designed to bolster recruitment, particularly for females and providing integrated end-to-end support on the use of online job platforms.

The website assured that large corporations and SMEs in Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Kaduna would be guaranteed access to more than 182,000 pre-vetted, eligible jobseekers segmented by industry and qualification levels.

Meanwhile, its chief executive officer said that the initiative would help to unlock competitive advantages of many Nigerian companies.

“The Alliance for Better Work is ultimately about unlocking the competitive advantages of Nigerian companies, often lost in long and poor cycles of recruitments.

“By joining forces with Nigeria’s most astute companies, we aim to set a standard of progressive recruitment practices that will allow businesses to flourish.

“This initiative will also open up the opportunity to accelerate our mandate with “Young Africa Works,’’ a MasterCard Foundation initiative to solve youth unemployment by placing trained young people in dignified work.

“Employees are a company’s greatest asset and Jobberman has the experience, tools, platform and the resources to make this a reality for employers,’’ she said.

She added that the initiative was designed to improve job retention, workplace productivity and business development.

“It will also bridge the gap in gender unemployment, which, according to recent data, is 35.2 per cent for women and 31.8 per cent for men,’’ she said.

She said also that employers continued to face challenges such as cost for training new employees, a flood of unfiltered applications and wide skills gap.

She assured that the campaign would run simultaneously with Jobberman’s soft skills training programme, which has already equipped 190,628 young people for the workplace, and placed more than 82,600 people in dignified employment.

In the statement, MasterCard Foundation, Nigeria said it aimed to give millions of youths and women access to quality employment.

“The MasterCard Foundation Young Africa Works aims to give 10 million youths and women access to dignified work in Nigeria, 70 per cent of them must be women.’’

It added that the foundation’s partnership with Jobberman was one of the many ways it intended to achieve that aim.

“The launch of the Alliance for Better Work Campaign is intentional in filling the gap in the recruitment process, particularly as it concerns gender unemployment and we look forward to seeing its impact,’’ it stressed.





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